Women in the Word
Tuesday Nights 6:30-8:30pm
New Hope Auditorium
All Women Welcome!
YES! We have free child care!
No Registration needed!
Come fellowship, have fun and dig deep with other women in Gods word.
Download 1st and 2nd Peter Bible study for free or you can purchase a workbook at Women in the Word on Tuesday Nights 6:30-8:30pm ($12.00)
Introduction to 1 & 2 Peter
Simon Peter was a fisherman who became a disciple of Jesus Christ and one of His closest friends. He wrote these two circular letters to Christians living in the northwest section of Asia Minor, (present day Turkey) which was part of the Roman Empire.
The first century was a dangerous time for Christians to be alive. They were considered “atheists” because they did not worship the Roman “gods”. Many Christians were driven from their homes, persecuted, deported to the outer borders of the empire, and forbidden to worship openly. Many were killed, just because they were followers of Jesus. Meanwhile, the church was splintered by internal doctrinal disputes. It was a dark season in the life of the church.
Peter, who himself was martyred for his faith, wrote these letters from Rome, before his upside-down crucifixion, to encourage the believers. His letters are full of hope and practical counsel on how to endure rough, uncertain times, such as the times we’re living in. 1 & 2 Peter are as applicable today as they were in the first century.
May God bless you and bring you even closer to Him through your study of 1 & 2 Peter.
With Aloha
Susie Lam