Our faith community welcomes all women. Join us via zoom every week through one of our small groups or in-person
to pray and study God's Word.
Come and experience an emotionally and spiritually enriching time with other women who love Jesus!
God calls us to use our gifts for the Kingdom. What are you called to do? Get involved in New Hope Women's Ministries!
See what's happening next in New Hope Women's Ministries!
New Hope Women
WOmen in the Word
We believe God has more than enough love to fill the heart of every woman who turns to Him. He often uses women to meet other women's emotional, spiritual and practical needs.
We hope you come and grow with us!
Philippians Study " - Women in the Word Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 pm. Free Childcare! All women welcome! Email: newhopewomen@enewhope.org