Lesson 2, " "I AM The Light of
the World"
Lesson 4, " "I AM The Good Shepherd"
Lesson 1, "I AM The Bread of Life,"
Lesson 7, "I AM The Vine"
Introduction to the Seven "I AM"
Statements of Jesus in John
Women in the Word
6:30pm-8:30pm, New Hope Oahu
Introduction to The Seven “I AM” statements of Jesus in John
Jesus was and is the most radical person who ever lived! The Gospel of John records seven radical statements that Jesus made about Himself, to help His listeners understand who He is and understand His mission.
In Exodus 3:14, God had revealed Himself to Moses, in the burning bush, as “I AM”. Hundreds of years later, the same words came from the lips of Jesus. The same God who spoke to Moses was speaking again, through the flesh and blood person of Jesus, who was claiming to be no one less than God Himself.
Some loved Him for who He was and what He said about Himself, but others wanted Him put to death, because He challenged their authority and power. In fact, these seven radical statements of Jesus led to His crucifixion, but His resurrection proved that all He'd said about Himself was true.
As we study each of these seven radical claims of Jesus, we’ll discover that His words can still transform our lives today. I pray that this Bible study will help you understand Jesus better, trust Him more, and become more like Jesus.
With Aloha,
Susie Lam
Lesson 6, "I AM The Way,
The Truth, and The Life"
Lesson 3, " "I AM The Door"
Lesson 5, "I AM The Resurrection
and the Life"
Download the study for Free! Or Pick up a Hard copy on Tuesday Nights for 10.00