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"Women in the Word
Tuesday Nights (Starting April 1st)
Free! All Women Welcome!

Introduction to Philippians

Philippians is one of my favorite books of the Bible. It is full of gems of wisdom for Christians of all ages and eras.

During Paul’s second missionary journey, he and Silas founded the church in Philippi, around AD 50, as described in Acts 16. Paul’s heart was full of love for the believers in Philippi and he prayed for them often.

About eleven years later, Paul was imprisoned in Rome, awaiting a trial that could result in his death, when he wrote this letter to instruct, warn, thank and encourage the believers in Philippi. Despite the uncertainty of his own future, Paul was living entirely for the glory of God and he was filled with joy. We can learn so much about what it means to live for God’s glory, and about how to live a joyful Christian life, despite our circumstances, from Paul’s example and his letter.

It is my prayer that this study enriches your life and that you, like Paul, will rejoice in the Lord always and experience deep joy that can’t be taken away.

With Aloha,

Susie Lam